Western Jurisdiction Annual Meeting
Western Jurisdiction Annual Meeting November 4, 2023 (Via Zoom)
A Time To Heal ~ When Church Hurts
Statement on the Recent Killings, Police Brutality and Violence Impacting Black and Brown People in America.
Apartheid Then and Now Webinar from MFSA and UMKR March 10

Teen Devotional from Black UMC Youth

Pioneer Black Clergywomen Book

Trailblazers who paved the way to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and those leading today. | SPLC

Special Message from Rev Byron Eric Thomas on Black Men and White Supremacy

Moving Toward the Pain| GCORR
BMCR 53rd General Meeting Videos

AAMHC Credo Virtual Choir

SBC21 to Host Virtual Graduation Feat. Kevin Johnson Jr

Welcome New Rust College President

Statement by GCORR & GBCS on the Killing of Ahmaud Arbery

COVID-19 in Palestine Webinar | MFSA

2 Day Virtual Grant Writing Workshop | Gammon

CARES Act and Racial Inequality | GCORR

AU fights COVID-19

2020 General Meeting Feedback